Are you concerned about what comes out of a hospital toilet when flushed?

Learn More About The Problem
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This informative webinar by renowned oncology nurse Seth Eisenberg RN OCN BMTCN is focused on safeguarding oncology nurses from the risks associated with toilet plume aerosols, and hazardous drugs.

The Fact Is
Aerosols spread bacteria, viruses and excreted hazardous drugs.
This creates a risk of exposure to nurses, EVS, other healthcare workers and patients.
Splash Blocker® is the Evidence-Based Solution!
An Engineering Barrier Control proven to block toilet plume aerosols at their source.

A viable alternative
To Plastic-Backed Blue Pads
- As a disposable item, an 80 bed hospital calculated spending upwards of $13,000 per year for pads
- Disposal of pads adds $8,500 cost per year and creates 4.3 tons of landfill waste
- Plumbing repairs and room closures cost $105,000 / year
We have a better solution
We have developed the SPLASHBLOCKER®, an engineering barrier control which is readily available, affordable, environmentally friendly and easy to use.

We Have
The Data
- SPLASHBLOCKER® has been studied in two scientific studies at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences laboratory using sophisticated measuring equipment employed by the EPA, NASA, and the airline industry. The testing protocols were designed by experts in aerosol research and hazardous drug safety.
- Preliminary data was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene in 2022.
- Subsequent testing confirmed the initial results, and showed superiority of the SPLASHBLOCKER®compared to plastic-backed pads.
Scientifically Tested, Clinically Accepted
Offering a solution that doesn’t fit in with nursing workflow is not a solution. SPLASHBLOCKER®has been successfully used in dozens of hospitals across the U.S. Don’t just take our word. In follow-up surveys, nurses have stated:

Product Highlights
A Chemical-Resistant, BPA-Free, Compliance-Driven, Novel Engineering Barrier Control The SPLASHBLOCKER® is easy to use and built to last.

Built to Last
Made from durable polycarbonate and has a life expectancy of one to two years.

Cost Effective
Saves hospitals and healthcare facilities on product inventory as well as on disposal and landfill costs.

Easy to Use
Light-weight (less than 1.75 pounds) and its product handle can fit all hand sizes.

Better for the Environment
The SPLASHBLOCKERA® is recyclable and it is made of a revolutionary, medical grade, chemical resistant, BPA-free copolyester.
Experts Agree
“For over twenty years, NIOSH has been researching methods for reducing or eliminating exposure to HDs. Organizations such as ONS have adopted NIOSH guidelines into their own guidelines, and have included engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE). We know that PPE does not prevent environmental contamination and that HDs can be transferred throughout the healthcare facility.“
“The SPLASHBLOCKER®is an engineering barrier control that protects workers from aerosols generated from flushing institutional toilets which may contain HDs and their metabolites, or infectious agents such as bacteria or viruses. As such, it joins other engineering controls such as biological safety cabinets and closed system transfer devices which are designed to protect the healthcare worker and environment.”
Thomas Connor, PhD Retired Research Biologist, NIOSH, and SPLASHBLOCKER® Study Designer

“As oncology nurses, we’ve been concerned for decades about the risk of exposure to hazardous drugs (HDs) when flushing a toilet. We know what’s in excreta and there’s ample evidence to support this. While our guidelines have recommended covering the toilet with a disposable plastic-backed pad, we’ve never had scientific evidence to demonstrate efficacy, and there have been ongoing concerns regarding cost, environmental, and plumbing issues. We now have scientific evidence to demonstrate how the SPLASHBLOCKER® significantly reduces exposure and environmental contamination.“
Seth Eisenberg, RN, OCN, BMTCN
Member of Study Team

Do you want to block toilet plume aerosol and significantly reduce the risk of exposure to your nurses, other healthcare workers and patients ?
For More Information
On how the SPLASHBLOCKER® can enhance the safety of your healthcare workers and patients, please
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